MIMS Final Projects: 2015

A plugin for Microsoft Word to assist lawyers with context-sensitive case citations in legal research and writing.

Track 1: Moving People and Prices

A study of Bitcoin-based micropayments and a prototype for Bitcoin micropayment channels.
Advisor: Doug Tygar
A smartphone and smartwatch app for families and kids to promote healthy lifestyle habits by ‘gamifying’ their workout routines.
A mobile app platform for people to share and access personal audio stories connected to places. Users discover stories by searching by their current location…
Advisor: Tapan Parikh
A micro-survey platform to support informed decision-making by polling trained experts for targeted feedback.
Advisor: Marti Hearst
A shopping app offering grocery pickup services to low-income residents, including SNAP and WIC participants. Our goal is to increase this population's access…
Advisor: Steven Weber
A platform to leverage social relationships to develop fitness habits in those who have trouble doing so, by connecting people with a set exercise routine with…
Advisor: Steven Weber

Track 2: Information Search, Navigation, Visualization, and Discovery

A user-friendly interface for exploring and discovering clinical trials and their eligibility criteria, to benefit both critically ill patients and vital…
Advisor: Marti Hearst
An information-discovery platform for energy-related topics, blending text from the web with energy-related datasets for a contextually-rich user…
Advisor: Marti Hearst
Decision-making tools for people considering a career switch, combining analyses of government data, job postings, typical job requirements, and online…
An end-to-end web-native application to solve the problems of today’s e-books by providing writers the tools to create their story and readers a place to…
A collaboration application for drone and aerial imagery projects, including a repository for aerial imagery and collaboration tools to bring together…
Advisor: Coye Cheshire

Track 3: Networking to Help

A user-centered, data-driven app to help people track and manage their stress and mental health.
Advisor: Steven Weber
An interactive voice response (IVR) and music system for patients with dementia and their caregivers, supporting independent living, safety, anti-fraud, and…
Advisor: John Chuang
Flyover addresses the challenge of high-quality English-language education in India with an innovative system connecting students with fluent volunteers and…
A wearable-device application to help older adults living alone, caregivers, and family members in distant locations to communicate about the older persons’…
Advisor: John Chuang
An online platform for India’s social development sector, to track organizations on a common platform, incentivize project-level collaborations, and increase…
Advisor: Steven Weber
A hotline-management system to give small NGOs serving vulnerable clients in China better record-keeping and reporting capabilities, improving their services’…