Identity Resources & Logo

Logos | Colors | Typeface | Downloadable Files | Style guide

If you need a logo in a different size, color, or format, please email, and we will be happy to assist you.

The I School logo should generally be left-justified or right-justified. It should rarely be centered.

UC Berkeley Logos

UC Berkeley brand information, including logos, can be found at

Primary (Horizontal) Logo

Blue (for use on a light background)

White (for use on a dark background)


Stacked Logo

The stacked logo should only be used in contexts where a narrower or squarer logo is required. In all other contexts, use the primary logo.

Blue (for use on a light background)

White (for use on a dark background)


Alternate Logo

The alternate logo should only be used in informal contexts (for example, on promotional items such as shirts, mugs, and hats).

Blue (for use on a light background)

White (for use on a dark background)



Primary (“Heritage”) Colors

Berkeley Blue

Pantone® 282
C: 100, M: 071, Y: 010, K: 147
R: 000, G: 050, B: 098
Hex: #003262

California Gold

Pantone® 123
C: 000, M: 032, Y: 100, K: 000
R: 253, G: 181, B: 021
Hex: #FDB515

Alternate Heritage Colors

Founder’s Rock

Pantone® 5405
C: 071, M: 030, Y: 013, K: 045
R: 045, G: 099, B: 127
Hex: #3B7EA1


Pantone® 7550
C: 000, M: 034, Y: 098, K: 012
R: 224, G: 158, B: 025
Hex: #C4820E


Additional secondary colors from the Berkeley color palette can be found at


The university typeface, Freight, features Sans, Text, and Micro fonts. The Freight family was selected because it is warm, open, and legible at all sizes.

For print use, Berkeley faculty and staff can request access to the Freight font family at The font can also be purchased or licensed from a variety of sellers.

For web use, the typeface is available from Typekit and other online font suppliers.

Downloadable Files

Letterhead: Microsoft Word template (.dotx) | PDF

Style Guide

Our official name is the the University of California, Berkeley, School of Information. The school name may be abbreviated "I School", with a capital 'I', a space, and a capital 'S'. Please do not abbreviate as "iSchool" with a lower-case 'i'.

Please spell out "School of Information" on first reference. "I School" is acceptable in subsequent references.

When using the "I School" abbreviation, a line break should never fall between the "I" and the "School". We recommend using a non-breaking space (  in HTML).

School Name



  • UC Berkeley School of Information
  • School of Information
  • I School
    (with a capital ‘I’, a space, and a capital ‘S’)


  • iSchool
    (do not use a lower-case ‘i’)
  • I-School
    (do not use a hyphen)
  • ISchool

Degree Names



  • MIMS
  • Master of Information Management and Systems
    ‘Master’ (singular) and ‘of’.
    (The full degree name. Capitalize.)
  • master’s in information management and systems
    “Master’s” (with an apostrophe-s) and ‘in’.
    (The major. May be lower-case.)
  • master’s in information
    (Lower-case; not the official degree, but a convenient shorthand.)
  • master’s degree
    (with an apostrophe)


  • M.A. (master of arts) or
    M.S. (master of science)
    (The M.A. and M.S. are both academic degrees, not professional degrees. The School of Information does not offer M.A. or M.S. degrees.)
  • M.I.S.
    (‘M.I.S.’ typically stands for management information systems. This is not the name of the I School degree, major, or field.)
  • masters degree
    (‘master’s’ should always include an apostrophe)


  • MIDS
  • Master of Information and Data Science
    ‘Master’ (singular) and ‘of’.
    (The full degree name. Capitalize.)
  • master’s in information and data science
    “Master’s” (with an apostrophe-s) and ‘in’.
    (The major. May be lower-case.)
  • master’s in data science
    (Lower-case; not the official degree, but a convenient shorthand.)
  • master’s degree
    (with an apostrophe)


  • Master of Data Science
    (Not the official degree name.)
  • M.A. (master of arts) or
    M.S. (master of science)
    (The M.A. and M.S. are both academic degrees, not professional degrees. The School of Information does not offer M.A. or M.S. degrees.)
  • masters degree
    (‘master’s’ should always include an apostrophe)


  • MICS
  • Master of Information and Cybersecurity
    ‘Master’ (singular) and ‘of’.
    (The full degree name. Capitalize.)
  • master’s in information and cybersecurity
    “Master’s” (with an apostrophe-s) and ‘in’.
    (The major. May be lower-case.)
  • master’s in cybersecurity
    (Lower-case; not the official degree, but a convenient shorthand.)
  • master’s degree
    (with an apostrophe)


  • Master of Cybersecurity
    (Not the official degree name.)
  • M.A. (master of arts) or
    M.S. (master of science)
    (The M.A. and M.S. are both academic degrees, not professional degrees. The School of Information does not offer M.A. or M.S. degrees.)
  • masters degree
    (‘master’s’ should always include an apostrophe)


  • Ph.D.
  • Ph.D. in information management and systems or Ph.D. in information science
  • doctorate
  • doctoral degree


  • Doctor of information management and systems or Doctor of information science
    All Ph.D.s are technically doctors of philosophy (with a major in information management and systems or information science)

University Name



  • University of California, Berkeley
    (with a comma)
  • UC Berkeley
    (with a space)


  • University of California at Berkeley
    (do not use “at”)
  • University of California - Berkeley or
    (do not use a hyphen or dash)
  • U.C. Berkeley
    (do not use periods in ‘UC’)

Style guidelines for the University of California, Berkeley, including acceptable and unacceptable terms and abbreviations for the university and the campus, are available at

Last updated: August 1, 2024