
Alumni (MIMS 2017)

UI/UX Design, with a strong contribution from Cognitive Science.

Professor Emeritus

5 South Hall
Information, culture, and society. Library services. Bibliography and discovery. History and theory of documentation.

Alumni (MIDS 2016)

Passionate about improving management decision making, specifically by reducing reliance on HiPPO (Highest Paid Person's Opinion) and increasing usage of…

Alumni (5th Year MIDS 2024)

Embrace the new, yet respect the old. Through innovation, let's reinvigorate legacy industries. Keep the focus sharp, the impact profound.

Alumni (MIDS 2024)

Machine Learning | Neural Networks | Kubernetes | Engineering

Alumni (MIDS 2019)

Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Python, Big Data and Cloud Computing, Data Visualization

Alumni (MIDS 2019)

As an experienced technologist and Enterprise Architect, I am passionate about the use of Data Science to deliver competitive business leverage while…