MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2016

Job Fiction

Job titles for data science jobs vary from the obvious "Data Scientist" to the vague "BI Analyst". The term analyst may mean analyzing large data sets, or analyzing a call center request. "Job Fiction" helps you find best jobs matching your dream job description and your preferences, not just the job title or keywords.


The challenge we are trying to solve is

How to find a perfect data science job?

There are many websites to assist a job seeker to find jobs they are interested in. They typically come in two flavors, or a combination of these:

  1.     Search for jobs via keywords the job seeker enters
  2.     Search for jobs via the job seeker’s resume

The problem with #1 is, it requires to know the exact words to search for. Our experience is, if you search for

  •     "Data Scientist" - Typically shows jobs with doctorate degrees or managing data science teams
  •     "Data Analyst" - May result in jobs for insurance auditors or business intelligence related.
  •     "Data" - Will turn up data entry clerk positions. That is a lot of irrelevant job postings to filter through.

#2 on the other hand is useful if you have related experience and are looking for lateral move. However, if you are looking for a career change, it may not give job matches in your target field.

Our Solution

Our project "Job Fiction" addresses this challenge in an innovative way. Our Solution in 3 Steps

1. Create Fictional Job
Start with a job description that you like; something you think sound like a good fit for you. Infact, why not start with 3 good sounding jobs and create a model that takes the best features of each of these to create a fictional job model.

2. Set preferences
Since no job is ever perfect, adjust the job model to highlight the job features important to you, and de-emphasize what you do not want.

3. Get Recommendations
Now, with this model of the fictional perfect job – the combination of job descriptions and priority features, lets find job postings that are great matches for you.

Last updated: March 30, 2017