MIDS Capstone Projects: Spring 2022

ASROM empowers medical professionals to make the right decisions at the right time by streamlining the process of conducting a systematic review of medical…
Architects currently spend hours reviewing their drawings manually for common graphical errors. We aim to reduce this time with an automated review tool.
Providing the information prospective home buyers need to make informed investment decisions.
Leveraging soil and weather data, climate predictions, and data on crop tolerances to address farmers’ crop selection challenges
Using deep learning to help crypto investors incorporate alternative datasets into candlestick pattern recognition to more accurately detect positive patterns
DAATE is intended to be an advisory tool for defense attorneys to gain additional insight about potential inequity in sentencing, and to aid in the attorney's…
We built machine learning models to accurately predict readmission or in-hospital death of ICU patients using two large, semi-public databases of ICU data:…
A 21st-century approach to predicting short-term, medium-term, and long-term power demand and usage for the ever-changing connected load.
We built a system to identify missing dogs based on their image. This allows owners and dog finders to upload images to a common place and see if anyone else…
NFT Predictor provides an objective, directional estimate for the price of an NFT to assist creators and investors with buy and sell decisions.
PeraML establishes a methodology and proof of concept for an anomaly detection model geared toward failure prediction for rotating machinery.
We will build a model that is capable of identifying the left ventricle (LV) from an apical 4-chamber (A4C) view echocardiogram video. The end goal would be to…
Empowering city and state leaders to expand broadband access by quantifying the impact of broadband access on social and economic measures  
Towards Modeling and Predicting Water Table Levels in California
VecNet uses cutting-edge deep learning algorithms to detect mosquitoes from their wing beats.
Defect type classification of semiconductor wafer defect signature maps to accelerate and maximize semiconductor yields
A powerful and user-friendly wine recommendation system combining NLP and other ML models.