
Alumni (MIDS 2022)

Predictive medicine Predictive Medicine; Applying NLP and Machine Learning skills for Healthcare

MIDS Student

M.Sc of Information and Data Science (MIDS)

Alumni (MIDS 2020)

Building predictive models and applying ML techniques to streamline business processes

Alumni (MIDS 2021)

Big Data, AI, Climate Changes and Human Rights

Alumni (MIDS 2022)

AI/ML + Data Visualization

Alumni (MIMS 2014)

Creative Direction, User Interface Design, Project Management, Print/Digital Media Production, Business Development, Database Architecture, Information…

Alumni (MIDS 2022)

My main focus is to apply data science in healthcare to improve service quality and reduce the costs.

PhD Student

Human-computer interaction, social computing, human-centered AI, algorithmic fairness, participatory design, value-sensitive design

Alumni (MIDS 2022)

Deeper understanding of Data Science.

Alumni (MIDS 2023)

Web Analytics + Data Science