Privacy Law for Technologists
3 units
Course Description
Currently offered as Info 236.
Information privacy law profoundly shapes how internet-enabled services may work. Privacy Law for Technologists will translate the regulatory demands flowing from the growing field of privacy and security law to those who are creating interesting and transformative internet-enabled services. The course will meet twice a week, with the first session focusing on the formal requirements of the law, and the second on how technology might accommodate regulatory demands and goals. Topics include: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (reverse engineering, scraping, computer attacks), unfair/deceptive trade practices, ECPA, children’s privacy, big data and discrimination (FCRA, ECOA), DMCA, intermediary liability issues, ediscovery and data retention, the anti-marketing laws, and technical requirements flowing from the EU-US Privacy Shield.
Required textbook: FTC Privacy Law and Policy (CUP 2016)
Currently offered as Info 236.