MIMS Final Project 2024

Magenta: Make Democracy Fun Again

Young adults in the United States below the age of thirty-four remain underserved by available political information sources, report more negative attitudes toward politics, and engage less in politics relative to other age groups.

We studied University of California, Berkeley students’ experiences with local political information and engagement using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Informed by opportunities grounded in the study of local student perspectives, we designed a mobile application-"Magenta" for young adults that provides them with highly accessible local political information.

Magenta directly addresses the challenges of community and political engagement found in our analyses starting with understanding the diverse needs of the users. Our research-driven personas, and personality quiz provide unique insights and allow us to tailor the user experience and simplify complex issues. 

Magenta builds on previous studies by reducing the negativity surrounding politics, removing barriers to information, which have been associated with discouraging participation.  Additionally, Magenta provides a novel approach by providing a platform that connects individuals with the local community which has been linked to increased sense of community and political engagement. Magenta’s innovative approach has the potential to bridge the knowledge gap, empowering citizens and making democracy fun.

Last updated: July 16, 2024