
The Wicked Craft of Enterprise UX: Designing Enterprise Software

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
4:10 pm - 5:30 pm
Uday Gajendar

What is the role and place for craft in designing enterprise software? There are massive scales of objects, convoluted processes with buyers (not users), and politically charged organizational matters. Whew! My talk proposes shifting our notion of craft from “precious object” towards “facilitative anchor,” guiding crucial conversations. I will share key stories from my careers at Oracle, Citrix, and CloudPhysics, about how I used craft to clarify issues and build relationships.

To join the webinar:

  • Visit http://berkeleydatascience.adobeconnect.com/myseminar/
  • Type in your name and enter the room as a guest. There may be a short waiting period; please be patient.
  • When you get into the room, a popup window will ask you to join the meeting audio. To do this, type in your phone number and click “connect”.
  • You will receive a call directly from the room’s conference line. Answer it to connect to the lecture’s audio.

Uday Gajendar is a proven design leader focused on new product innovation & guiding start-ups on UX fundamentals. Uday has ~15 years of versatile expertise at CloudPhysics, Citrix, Peel, Netflix, Adobe, Frogdesign and others, spanning enterprise to consumer, web to mobile domains. He also regularly writes for ACM Interactions and routinely speaks worldwide on design topics at SXSW, UX Australia, IxDA, and other venues. You can read Uday’s thoughts on design at his blog, www.ghostinthepixel.com.

Last updated: February 3, 2016