Information Course Schedule Spring 2000


Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: Undergraduate in good standing, and experience with personal computing and productivity applications. Any student who can successfully use a personal computer to author documents, browse the World Wide Web, etc. can successfully complete this course. Description: Introduction to applications of networked computers, especially social, educational, and information management. Understanding of the networking, computing, and software infrastructure enabling and constraining these networked applications, with the goal of empowering the student to use these technologies effectively in their personal and professional life. Related policy, legal, economic, and industry issues will be covered. Also listed as Engineering C111.
MWF 1-2 — 159 Mulford Hall

Three hours lecture per week. Focus on European Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, and in the western United States, Asian Americans and Chicano/Latinos. The course explores the nature of oral and print societies as found in the focus cultures to assess the impact of the dominant print culture on oral cultures. Image in woodcut and engraving as information and propaganda. The role of education in achieving literacy. The emergence of an African American press in the 19th century, tied to growing politcal support from the abolitionist press, is in striking contrast to the nearly invisible Native American voice confined to the reservation. San Francisco is a case study of the early emergence of a multicultural print and education environment, followed by restrictive laws, propaganda, and educational system that enforced cultural standardization and use of English. Printing technology tends toward centralization, standardization, and few participants, an environment that inhibits the voices of a multicultural, multilingual population. This course satisfies the American cultures requirement.

MWF 2-3 — 156 Dwinelle Hall
Instructor(s): Mary Kay Duggan


Three hours of lecture per week. Project planning and scheduling, process design, project management and coordination. Analysis of information needs, specification of system requirements, analysis of alternatives, design of alternatives. Quantitative methods and tools for analysis and decision making. Document management. Design, implementation, and evaluation of a project.
TTh 9:30-11 — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): Peter Lyman, Yale Braunstein

This course addresses concepts and methods of user experience research, from understanding and identifying needs, to evaluating concepts and designs, to assessing the usability of products and solutions. We emphasize methods of collecting and interpreting qualitative data about user activities, working both individually and in teams, and translating them into design decisions. Students gain hands-on practice with observation, interview, survey, focus groups, and expert review. Team activities and group work are required during class and for most assignments. Additional topics include research in enterprise, consulting, and startup organizations, lean/agile techniques, mobile research approaches, and strategies for communicating findings.

MW 2-3:30 — 205 South Hall
Instructor(s): Nancy Van House
Three hours of lecture per week. Introduction to internal and external management issues and practices in information organizations. Internal issues: organizational behavior, organizational theory, personnel, budgeting, planning. External issues: organizational environments, politics, marketing, strategic planning, funding sources.
TTh 3:30-5 — 205 South Hall
Instructor(s): Yale Braunstein
Three hours of lecture per week. Factors strongly impacting the success of new computing and communications products and services (based on underlying technologies such as electronics and software) in commercial applications. Technology trends and limits, economics, standardization, intellectual property, government policy, and industrial organizations. Strategies to manage the design and marketing of successful products and services.
MW 9:30-11 — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): Hal Varian

Three hours of lecture per week. The philosophical, legal, historical, and economic analysis of the need for and uses of laws protecting intellectual property. Topics include types of intellectual property (copyright, patent, trade secrecy), the interaction between law and technology, various approaches (including compulsory licensing), and the relationship between intellectual property and compatibility standards.

TTh 12:30-2 — 110 South Hall
Instructor(s): Pamela Samuelson

Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: 202 or consent of instructor. Theories and methods for searching and retrieval of text and bibliographic information. Analysis of relevance, utility. Statistical and linguistic methods for automatic indexing and classification. Boolean and probabilistic approaches to indexing, query formulation, and output ranking. Filtering methods. Measures of retrieval effectiveness and retrieval experimentation methodology.

MW 11-12:30 — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): Ray Larson

Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: 202 or consent of instructor. Standards and practices for organization and discription of bibliographic, textual, and non textual collections. Design, selection, maintenance and evaluation of cataloging, classification, indexing and thesaurus systems for specific settings. Codes, formats and standards for data representation and transfer of data.

MW 9-10:30 — 107 South Hall
Instructor(s): Michael Buckland

Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: 206 or equivalent. Communications concepts, network architectures, data communication software and hardware, networks (e.g. LAN, wide), network protocols (e.g. TCP/IP), network management, distributed information systems. Policy and management implications of the technology.

TTh 11-12:30 — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): John Chuang
Three hours of lecture per week. The organization and administration of library services and their place in the institutions and communities they serve. Governance, collections, and buildings. Planning, organizing, innovation, staffing, budgeting, controlling. Technological change, digital libraries. Political and economic aspects.
F 9-12 — 107 South Hall
Instructor(s): Michael Buckland

Specific topics, hours and credit may vary from section to section, year to year. May be repeated for credit with change in content.

Section 4
Tu 4-6 — 110 South Hall
Instructor(s): Nancy Van House

Specific topics, hours and credit may vary from section to section, year to year. May be repeated for credit with change in content.

Section 2
Th 3-5 — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): Hal VarianSally Thomas

Topics in information management and systems and related fields. Specific topics vary from year to year. May be repeated for credit, with change of content. May be offered as a two semester sequence.

Section 2
W 10:30-12:30 — 107 South Hall
Instructor(s): Peter Lyman, Nancy Van House

Topics in information management and systems and related fields. Specific topics vary from year to year. May be repeated for credit, with change of content. May be offered as a two semester sequence.

Section 3
F 3-5 — 107 South Hall