Data Science

Related Faculty

Alumni (MIMS 2006)
Assistant Professor of Practice
Science and technology studies; computer-supported cooperative work and social computing; education; anthropology; youth technocultures; ideology and inequity; critical data science
Assistant Professor of Practice
Predictive medicine; artificial intelligence; machine learning; tele-health; information disclosure; privacy; security.
Associate Professor
Natural language processing, computational social science, machine learning, digital humanities
Trust, social exchange, social psychology, and information exchange
Biosensory computing; climate informatics; information economics and policy

Recent Publications

Data Science news

Ph.D. student Emma Lurie is the recipient of a 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Peer Mentor Award from the UC Berkeley Graduate Division and Graduate Assembly.

MIDS student Allison Fox has been awarded the Data For Good Fellowship for her work to improve health outcomes in disadvantaged countries. 

Her start-up, Ponder, is leading the way with a $7M round of seed financing.

Ph.D. student Emily Aiken and Professor Joshua Blumenstock used mobile phone data and machine learning to quickly and accurately direct the Togolese government’s COVID-19 cash assistance to its poorest residents in a first-of-its-kind study published March 16 in Nature.

Governments and humanitarian groups can use machine learning algorithms and mobile phone data to get aid to those who need it most during a humanitarian crisis, we found in newly published research.

On the Nature Podcast, Professor Blumenstock discusses his research using machine learning to help deliver aid to Togo’s poorest citizens.