MICS Capstone Project Spring 2024

LLM-Powered Spear Phishing Detection Solution

Problem Statement

"Imagine a bustling city street, alive with people going about their daily life. In this action-packed environment, a skilled pickpocket moves with stealth, blending anonymously and seamlessly into the crowd... but this isn't just any ordinary thief - this is a highly skilled criminal that is carefully observing the behavior of the passerby, specifically identifying a victim to maximize the value gained and chance of success."

Much like an adept pickpocket, Spear Phishing poses a grave threat in the digital realm. Crafted with precision and personalization, these deceptive emails slip past traditional cyber defenses, causing 66% of breaches despite making up less than 0.01% of all email traffic.

Project Description

Our Team AI Phish Fighters, developed a transformative solution fueled by Large Language Models (LLMs), colloquially known as Generative AI, and harnessed OpenAI's GPT technology.  Our innovation reshapes the landscape of Spear Phishing defense, delivering real-time email analyses directly to your inbox.

    Project Solution

    • The LLM-Powered Spear Phishing Detection Solution leverages OpenAI's GPT to provide real-time analysis of emails, to identify whether any could be Spear Phishing
      • Lightweight integration with Outlook
        • Actionable insights delivered with negligible friction
      • Designed with users and nonprofits in mind
        • Highly effective at low cost
        • No technical expertise required
        • Minimal effort to implement and operate
    • Actionable insights at your fingertips for informed decisions.
    • User-Centric Design prioritizing ease of use for all, including nonprofits.
    • Cost-effective accessibility, ensuring broad adoption.
    • No Technical Expertise Required, making cybersecurity accessible to everyone.
    • Easy Implementation & Maintenance, reducing operational burdens.


    In efforts to offset the significant upfront costs associated with integrating AI tools, team AI Phish Fighters applied for funding to the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC), and was fortunate enough to receive a generous Cal Cybersecurity Research Fellowship grant to support our research.

    Last updated: April 17, 2024