MICS Capstone Project Fall 2021

Better Days

Background & Problem Statement

Domestic Violence resources are usually tailored more towards physical aspects of domestic abuse/violence even though technology abuse is on the rise and becoming an important aspect of surviving domestic abuse/violence.

Other applications tend to contain resources, or ways to create physical safety plans, but not many do both- and the ones that exist mostly focus on the physical aspects rather than the technological.

Most currently existing mobile applications do not include:

  • Quick escape function
  • Cover application
  • Interactive cybersecurity assessments

With these defecits in mind, we looked to create a new mobile application to address these gaps, and provide support to victims of technological domestic violence.

Our Solution

Better Days provides cybersecurity/technology abuse related resources, in multiple formats, interative cybersecurity safety plans and assessments, and quick escape function.

Better Days Features:

  • Landing page disguising as a weather mobile application
  • Interactive Cybersecurity assessments
  • Video technical documentation
  • Written technical documentation
  • Emergency call & messages to connect users with thehotline.org's support line
Last updated: December 7, 2021