MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2018

Kelp Me Out!

Private kelp farming has tremendous potential and we want to help you get in.

We can help you identify viable kelp farming plots along the California coast to lease. We've combined data from satellite imaging, demographic, geographical, and biological data from public sources to pinpoint the choice locations and avoid potential farming hurdles.

Why Kelp Farming?

From a culinary standpoint, many chefs are experimenting with cooking with kelp in food and drinks. It's highly popular in Asian countries, slowly seeping into mainstream American cuisine. It can also be used as animal feed with added benefits of enhanced immunity, meat quality, and volume.

Commercially, kelp can be used as quality ingredients for health and beauty products.

Additional consideration for biofuel use to decrease fossil fuels by 1.5% used to run vehicles. Kelp farms are specifically attractive because they act as powerful carbon sinks and fight ocean acidification via shellfish + kelp forests that together filter nitrogen and phosphorus from the ocean using naturally occurring ocean currents.

Seaweed can sequester 20x more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than on-land forests.

Try it out now.

Go to the Kelp Me Out web site and test our Kelp Site Selection Dashboard.

More Information

Last updated: October 1, 2019