MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2016

The Naive Baker

You walk into your kitchen, hungry. What happens next?

The Naive Baker is a project to let you explore new recipes with ingredients you already have at hand. Enter your pantry quickly using autocomplete and machine generated ingredient suggestions, then find out what you can cook! Use the filters to limit the amount of time you have, or to select the particular ingredients you feel like cooking with today.

The Naive Baker can help you think of new ingredients to buy to expand your food repertoire. Suggested ingredients are calculated in real time so that adding any new ingredient will add new meals to your recipe list. You can also login using Facebook to save your pantry between sessions.

We're building the Baker to make cooking at home more convenient and to empower your kitchen as a tech savvy part of your house. In the near future, kitchens will have screens and inventory management will be simple.  We see the Baker as a way to connect personal inventory management with what's for dinner.

Questions, feedback, and connections are welcome. Thanks for giving us a try!

Note: The Baker currently has 50,000 recipes in the back end. New sites will be incorporated in the weeks ahead!

Last updated: March 30, 2017