Information Access Seminar Organizing the world’s social information

Friday, October 4, 2013
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Patrick Riley
The web of pages has evolved into a web of people. The Internet has changed from being a place of information consumption to primarily a place of social interaction. The future of search engines, especially on mobile devices, is not ten blue links to pages, but one confident answer. In a response to this, Ark has been organizing the world's social information, by resolving social entities, profiles, and other social properties to provide products made for the future of search.

Patrick Riley (MIMS ’05, Ph.D. ’11) is the founder and CEO of, a modern social search engine. Patrick built his first search engine while an undergraduate at Berkeley, because he was tired of using Alta Vista to find academic articles. During his Ph.D., he created a search platform that captures and indexes everything said on broadcast television, in an effort to see how social media correlates to what is said on television. Patrick has published numerous computer science articles with the IEEE and ACM, as well as having ten years of industry experience.

Last updated: March 26, 2015