Data Science 209

Data Visualization

(Spring 2022)

Project Gallery

more insight than Zillow
For our project, we built various visualizations in Tableau on the New York City Film permits dataset provided by the New York City Mayor’s Office of Media...
Web page with three interactive visualizations showing occupation trends in the USA, from 2016-2020. Major occupation categories, along with average wage and...
We used data from Pitchbook to visualize Shark Tank investors company investments and co-investors.
smart home
Interested in saving some money? Interested in sustainability to help our wonderful planet earth? Interested in optimizing the power consumption in your home?...
Cover page of website showing a food table and with descriptive text on site content
Prices of food items could vary drastically across countries. In this data story, we investigate how the composite food price index and prices of 5 commodities...
This website is intended to increase understanding of incarceration and felony disenfranchisement and the effects they have on the American political system,...