Yifei Liu

Alumni (MIMS 2018)


User Experience Design, Data Visualization, Information and Communication Technologies and Development


User Experience Design & Research


I am a passionate designer and communicator with 5+ years of user-centered design and new media experience. I've lived in Washington D.C. for 5 years, leading several projects on website design and development, graphic design, and media campaigns at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). While working a full-time job at IFPRI, I’ve also taken several pro bono side projects, from designing logos, infographics and other visual products, to developing websites for startups and NGOs. Before moving to D.C., I worked for various media outlets in Beijing and Madison, WI. I believe in the power of user-centered design and new media in engaging and empowering the public for social good. 

I am currently pursuing my second master’s degree from UC Berkeley School of Information with a focus on Human-Centered Interaction. I've received a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Renmin University of China respectively.

I love traveling around the world, taking photos, and eating all kinds of spicy cuisines.