Mar 12, 2015

The "Pedant's Veto": Geoff Nunberg Describes How One Man Has Purged His Pet Peeve from Wikipedia

From Fresh Air, from WHYY, on National Public Radio

Don't You Dare Use 'Comprised Of' On Wikipedia: One Editor Will Take It Out

By Geoff Nunberg

I think of English usage as one of those subjects like cocktails or the British royal family. A lot of people take a passing interest in it but you never know who's going to turn out to be a true believer....

For single-minded devotion to grammatical rectitude, you'd be hard-pressed to match a Wikipedia editor named Bryan Henderson, who goes by the user name of Giraffedata.... Giraffedata has a single bee in his bonnet, the phrase "comprised of." He has written a 6,000-word essay on his Wikipedia user page explaining why he thinks it's an egregious error. And to drive home his point, he has made 47,000 edits over the last eight years, most of them aimed at purging the phrase wherever it occurs on the Wikipedia site....


Last updated:

October 4, 2016