Apr 26, 2014

Reuters Cites I School's Big Data Workshop

From Reuters

White House looks at how 'Big Data' can discriminate

The Obama administration is preparing to release a report next week that will outline concerns that current U.S. privacy laws and regulations do not do enough to protect consumers from potential discrimination due to "big data" algorithms that crunch through information gathered online, a White House official said on Saturday.

The review, led by President Barack Obama's senior counselor, John Podesta, was sparked by the revelations last year of former spy contractor Edward Snowden, who leaked classified information about how the National Spy Agency uses big data analytics methods for surveillance....

Earlier this month, at a workshop at the University of California, Berkeley, Podesta said he believed updates were needed for the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, a statute governing Internet communications, which he helped draft as a legislative aide on Capitol Hill in 1984....


The April 1 workshop was co-hosted by the UC Berkeley School of Information. Video of Podesta’s keynote and all other workshop sessions is available online.

This story also appeared on Yahoo! News, The Economics Times, and other news outlets.

Last updated:

October 4, 2016