Women in MIDS Coffee Meetup

Career Services and Mentoring at Cal: A Q&A with Rebecca Andersen

2022-12-02T12:00:00 - 2022-12-02T13:00:00
Friday, December 2, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST

Rebecca Andersen

Open to all women-identifying MIDS students and faculty.

Women in MIDS hosts a monthly Coffee Meetup Series. Typically meetups have 30 minutes dedicated to speakers, industry-relevant videos, and other activities to empower women in data science, with the remaining 30 minutes open for discussions.

This month we welcome Rebecca Andersen, Senior Director of Student & Alumni Career Development at the I School, for an “ask me anything” conversation about career services at Berkeley and barriers and opportunities women face in STEM careers. Come to learn how to make the most of Berkeley’s offers around your career.

Last updated: August 22, 2023