Social Impact Un-Pitch Day 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Hosted by the Center for Technology, Society, and Policy and the Information Management Student Association.

Join CTSP and IMSA to brainstorm ideas for projects that address the challenges of technology, society, and policy.

We welcome students, community organizations, local municipal partners, faculty, and campus initiatives to discuss discrete problems that project teams can take on over the course of this academic year. Teams will be encouraged to apply to CTSP to fund their projects.



6:10 pm Introductions from IMSA and CTSP
6:15 pm Example Projects
6:20 pm Sharing Un-Pitches (3 minutes per Un-Pitch)
7:10 pm Mixer (with snacks and refreshments)


Un-Pitches are meant to be informal and brief introductions of yourself, your idea, or your organization’s problem situation. Un-pitches can include designing technology, research, policy recommendations, and more. Students and social impact representatives will be given 3 minutes to present their Un-Pitch. In order to un-pitch, please share 1-3 slides, as PDF and/or a less than 500-word description—at this email: You can share slides and/or description of your ideas even if you aren’t able to attend. Deadline to share materials: midnight September 25th, 2019.

Funding Opportunities

The next application round for fellows will open in November. CTSP’s fellowship program will provide small grants to individuals and small teams of fellows for 2019. CTSP also has a recurring offer of small project support.

Prior Projects & Collaborations

Here are several examples of projects that members of the I School community have pursued as MIMS final projects or CTSP Fellow projects (see more projects from 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019).

Skills & Interests of Students

The above projects demonstrate a range of interests and skills of the I School community. Students here and more broadly on the UC Berkeley campus are interested and skilled in all aspects of where information and technology meets people — from design and data science, to user research and information policy.

Email to get involved.

Last updated: September 24, 2019