Where Business Meets Technology: A.T. Kearney

Friday, September 29, 2017
3:10 pm - 4:30 pm
Hugo Evans, VP of Data Science, A.T. Kearney

Dr. Hugo Evans has been with A.T. Kearney since 2000. He serves as the vice president of data science, working to apply A.I. and advanced analytics to solve complex business problems. He runs A.T. Kearney’s data science lab where his team works with clients to incubate, innovate, and co-create solutions to previously unsolved problems. Additionally, he provides subject matter expertise on A.I. to help clients plan for the next generation machine learning intelligence solutions. Previously, he led the development and deployment of various supply chain management tools for use as part of consulting engagements and direct to clients.

Hugo was a lead author of the “IT’s Challenge: Bringing Structure to the Unstructured World of Big Data” (A.T. Kearney white paper, October 2014) and a contributing author of “Big Data and the Creative Destruction of Today’s Business Models” (A.T. Kearney white paper, January 2013). He also co-authored the articles “Building an Effective Knowledge Management Programme” and “iCPO, We’ve Got an App for That!”

Last updated: June 28, 2024