Information Access Seminar

Knowledge Makers Muddling Through: Conditions for Documentation and Report Writing in Extra-academic Research

Friday, January 29, 2016
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Lisa Börjesson

Knowledge making takes place in a variation of different organizational settings throughout society. Significant amounts of research is for example undertaken in commercial companies selling their research as a services. But what are the conditions for doing, documenting and reporting research in these settings? And how should we understand and integrate these increasingly available outcomes of extra-academic research with outcomes of research published traditionally? In this presentation I will talk about findings from a recent study of conditions for report writing in commercial archeology, and discuss how users of reports can benefit from insights gained in this study.

Lisa Börjesson is a third year Ph.D. student at Uppsala University in Sweden, and a former visiting student researcher at the School of Information. Her research is part of the research project ARKDIS (Archaeological Information in the Digital Society).  Besides her thesis, Lisa is currently working on an edited volume with the working title Research outside the academy: Professional knowledge-making in the public sector.

Last updated: January 19, 2016