Dean's Lecture

Skills Gap and Online Education

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
4:10 pm - 5:30 pm
Lynda Weinman,
Remote video URL

The skills gap in America — and how we fail to prepare students for the workforce — are big concerns, particularly in a tough economy. Should schools focus on teaching skills in high demand to the exclusion of other subjects and disciplines? What is the role of online education in this conversation?

Lynda Weinman is co-founder and executive chair of, one of the most successful companies in online education today. Through a comprehensive library of instructional videos taught by industry experts, teaches technology, design, and business skills to millions of individual, corporate, academic, and government subscribers.

Lynda is a self-taught computer expert, author, educator, and entrepreneur. A web graphics and design veteran and author of dozens of best-selling books, Lynda wrote the very first industry book on web design, Designing Web Graphics, in 1995. Before launching, she was a faculty member at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, and worked as an animator and motion graphics director in the special effects film industry. She also taught at UCLA Extension, American Film Institute, and San Francisco State University’s Multimedia Studies Program.

Lynda, along with her husband and co-founder, Bruce Heavin, evolved from its original concept as a free web resource for her students, to the site for her books on web design, to a registration hub for physical classrooms and conferences, to an award-winning online learning company.

Last updated: June 28, 2024