Dean's Lecture

Using Technology for Social Good

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Marnie Webb
Grassroots civil society organizations around the world use technology to build their capacity, engage their community, and deliver needed programs. TechSoup Global, a 23-year-old U.S. nonprofit organization, helps other NGOs around the world better manage and use their own technology. This talk will focus on the challenges and opportunities organizations face as they make technology decisions.

Marnie Webb is co-CEO of TechSoup Global, a nonprofit working towards the day when every nonprofit and social benefit organization on the planet has the technology resources and knowledge it needs to operate at its full potential. TechSoup Global was founded in San Francisco in 1987 and operates programs today in Africa, theAmericas, Asia, and Europe through a network of independent, capacity-building NGOs. Named one of the Top 10 Silicon Valley Influencers by San Jose Mercury News, Marnie is a sought after writer and speaker on innovation, community, and the social web.

She may be best known for her work with TechSoup Global’s NetSquared initiative, an ambitious and evolving global experiment that empowers developers and organizers at the local level to build and share innovative solutions to social challenges. Now five years old, NetSquared has an active community of more than 24,000 individuals around the globe and hosts regional meetups in 23 countries. Marnie also writes the long-running blog ext337 and is an organizer of the NPTech tagging experiment. In 2008, she won the NTEN “Person of the Year” award and was included in to the Nonprofit Times’ list of the 50 most influential leaders in the U.S. nonprofit sector.

Last updated: March 26, 2015