
Tangible User Interfaces: Student Project Exhibition

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

An open house student project exhibition of the "Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces" class.

The Tangible User Interfaces course at the School of Information focuses on physical interaction with computational media. Students design and develop experimental applications, underlying technologies, and theories using concept sketches, posters, physical mock-ups, working prototypes, and a final project report.

The exhibition will take place on both Monday, December 5, and Wednesday, December 7. All projects will be on exhibit both days.

Stop by and try out the interfaces for yourself!


The exhibition includes works by Hilfi Alkaff, Stephen Backer, Tim Charoenying, Kiera Chase, Laura Devendorf, Max Fan, Sebastian Feunzalida, Alex Gayinski, Ankita Goyal, Andrea Hsieh, Ram Joshi, Martin Kiechle, Nick Kong, Ian Leighton, Kari McGlynn, John Parayno Pedersen, Margaret Rhee, Carlos Sandoval, John Servaes, Kevin Swelsen, Chelsey Tanaka, Pierre Tchetgen, Victor Tjhia, Albert Tjoeng, Joe Wadcan, Jennifer Wang, Justin Wang, and Travis Yoo.

More information:

Info 262: Theory and Practice of Tangible Interfaces

Last updated: March 26, 2015