
Big Give

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
9:00 pm
– Thursday, March 8, 2018
9:00 pm

The I School is made of so many moments — Big Give is one of them

From your acceptance letter to graduation day, your I School experience is made up of a million little moments. Moments of realization. Moments of glory. Moments of truth. Aha moments and moments you’ll remember for the rest of your days.

What’s your Berkeley moment? Was it the first time you walked through the doors of South Hall, or the last time you heard the Campanile bells toll? The last time you studied in the Co-Lab until 2 am? Or maybe it was your first Thirsty Thursday when you met the friends you would keep forever.

As UC Berkeley approaches its 150th anniversary, we invite you to make I School moments like these possible for current and future School of Information students by making a gift during Big Give, between March 7 at 9 pm and March 8 at 9 pm.

Your gift to any I School fund will count towards our Big Give goals. Our fund in greatest need is the Annual Fund, which supports all the programs and activities of the School of Information, directly and indirectly, and helps the school by giving us the flexibility to use them when and where they are needed most.

Give now


Help the School of Information make a big impact on the big day by helping us win prize money offered by campus! Your participation helps boost our performance in the contests with big awards for our overall performance:

  • Big Slice — dollar challenge
  • Big Bang — participation challenge (Last year we came in second! Every individual gift to the I School counts!)

There are also hourly contests throughout the day of giving. Some are based on giving during that period, others are awarded based on social media participation.

We encourage your participation in the following contests:

  • [social media] Wednesday, March 7, 9 pm – Thursday, March 8, 9am: Random original Tweet that fills in the blank that fills in the blank: “#ISchool deserves #CalBigGive $$ bc ______________.”
  • [social media] Wednesday, March 7, 9 pm – Thursday, March 8, 7pm: What’s your favorite Berkeley Moment? Post it on Twitter or Instagram — most stirring post all day wins! Include #ISchool and #CalBigGive.
  • [giving drive] Thursday, March 8, 5-6 am PST: A random international donor wins
  • [social media] Thursday, March 8, 8-10 am: Most creative post of a child or pet promoting Cal on Twitter or Instagram. Include #ISchool and #CalBigGive. The most creative post wins!
  • [giving drive] Thursday, March 8, 10am–12 pm: Random Faculty/Staff donor wins
  • [social media] Thursday, March 8, 11am–2 pm: Be the 50th selfie on Twitter or Instagram promoting Big Give and taken on campus. Include #ISchool and #CalBigGive
  • [giving drive] Thursday, March 8 from 3-4 pm: Random grad student

See all the contests, and examples of social media posts.

Big Give is an online fundraising event that gives you and the entire Cal community — alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, and friends — the chance to come together to support the School of Information or schools and programs, and help those schools and programs win prize money.

Your Big Give gift to the School of Information will make an immediate impact where it’s needed most — funding cutting-edge research, supporting our graduate students, and providing for exciting new initiatives.

Last updated: March 7, 2018